Yooo Ketemu lagi bersama Dany Tri Kusuma disini gan sist, kali ini mau ngeshare lagi satu persatu videoku tentang satu playlistku yang aku kasih nama acaranya adalah D'Game alias Dany Tri Kusuma Main Game. Hehehe Pokoknya D'Game ini adalah saat aku bermain game apapun itu yang seru, kocak atau menarik gan sist. Mulai game agar.io, catur online, PES, balapan dll gan sist. Video D'Game ini hanya untuk have fun gan sist dan ketawa ketiwi. Wokee Nah ini adalah D'Game yang Ketiga. kali ini akan aku share video berjudul Sopir Truck Paling Handal (Euro Truck Simulator 2017) - D'Game 3. So di video ini aku bermain game Euro Truck Simulator 2017 yang seruu banget pokoknya gamenya gan sist. Tonton aja video berikut ini
Euro Truck Simulator Pro gives you the chance to become a real truck driver from the comfort of your home! Featuring trucks with 40 unique trucks to drive, custom radio station with 24*7 country music, day & night cycle and exciting job quest. In-game world features breathtaking landscape to create the ultimate experience, making you feel as if you were driving the trucks in real life!
Euro Truck Simulator Pro gives you the chance to become a real truck driver from the comfort of your home! Featuring trucks with 40 unique trucks to drive, custom radio station with 24*7 country music, day & night cycle and exciting job quest. In-game world features breathtaking landscape to create the ultimate experience, making you feel as if you were driving the trucks in real life!
Feel the power of your huge truck rumbling down the road. Euro Truck Simulator Pro game is for them who loves to travel as a truck driver and commerce. Have fun by playing Euro Truck Simulator Pro. The realistic, detailed trucks are modelled after real trucks and the scenery is beautiful. Gamers of all ages can enjoy driving the big rigs. In Euro truck Simulator Pro just go have fun practising your truck-driving skills. Exciting travel with beautifully detailed scenery and challenging loads to haul make this a great game. With every new quest and new adventures. Euro Truck Simulator Pro is as close as it gets to real without actually stepping behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler.
If you've got what it takes to be part of an elite trucking force, get behind the wheel and prove it! The open road is calling you! Play Euro Truck Simulator Pro now and make a name for yourself in the trucking industry.
Intinya game ini adalah game latihan jadi sopir truk gan sist, kita ada misi ngantar dan jemput barang menuju lokasi yang sudah ditentukan. Kesulitannya ya kadang jalannya ramai dan nyetir truk agak susah gan sist. Gimana gan sist kebayang kan keseruan main game Euro Truck Simulator 2017. Aku main game menggunakan PC aja gan sist, Mantaaap. So Mari kita simak video yang berjudul Sopir Truck Paling Handal (Euro Truck Simulator 2017) - D'Game 3 biar lebih jelas dan gak penasaran. Wokeee gan sist.
Yaaa pokoknya gitu ajalah gan videonya, hehe Maaf yaa newbie soalnya, Masih katrok dalam hal pengambilan gambar, editing dan lain lain. Thanks sudah mampir di youtubeku yang katrok. Semoga kalian yang nonton video ini atau baca artikel ini sukses selalu dan sehat terus atau minimal bisa ketawa ketiwi lah yaa, dan selamat bermain game gan sist. Byee
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